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Whether you're looking for a job or a candidate, permanent or temporary, we've got the solution for you...

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Our friendly team have the knowledge and experience to assess, guide and advise you, into finding that job you really want.

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We match the right candidates with the right jobs.

We are an independent owner/managed business based in Rochdale, driven by a desire to offer the highest of standards to both clients and candidates.

We understand the challenges that face both candidates and businesses when it comes to finding the right ‘fit’ for a job.

We’re passionate about what we do and have a wealth of experience in pairing the right people with the right roles, whether that be in accounts, finance, administration, customer service or more.

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From contract and freelance to interim, temporary workers can be fast hires who make an immediate difference and bring a fresh perspective to your business.

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We go beyond recruitment.

We have all been candidates, so we understand the challenges both our clients and candidates have with finding the right people or right career. This is why we ALWAYS put a friendly human face in front of whoever we work with and commit to going beyond recruitment... 

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We're proud to give back to our local community

For over 20 years we've been proud to sponsor and partner with a number of institutions in our local community, including the likes of Rochdale Mayfield, Rochdale CC, Rochdale Rugby Union, Springhill Hospice and Rochdale Business Awards.