Counter offers – the facts

Had a counter offer?

Choosing between offers of improved terms between both your existing employer and a new employer can seem like a win-win situation. You get instant progression – whether it’s with your day-to-day role, salary, job title or something else – regardless of which option you go for.

However, much like when you’re at the beginning of trying to decide whether taking up a new challenge in a new environment is what you need, we can say from extensive experience there are 4 key questions which you absolutely must ask yourself before considering a counter offer…

What was your primary reason for wanting to leave in the first place?

What is it that you wanted to achieve by looking at pastures new in the first place? Does a counter offer really solve that?

How will the counter offer affect future development?

Counter offers inevitably propose improvements to salary, however companies budget for their staff so how could that affect any future milestones in terms of reviews?

How does this affect the relationship?

If you had already decided a new challenge is something that you wanted, sometimes that news can be quite hard for an employer or manager to take, and inevitably even harder to forget.

Are you thinking long term or short term?

A counter offer can be flattering and it’s nice to be recognised, but will you be in an environment where you’re afforded the opportunity to be recognised for your talents on an ongoing basis?

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a counter offer?

What did you do and what did you ask yourself before making your decision? Let us know! Tweet us or leave a comment on this post on LinkedIn…

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